Can I Tell Y’all a Story?

Let me warn you that it’s long and meandering and doesn’t have a tidy ending. I have to also preface it with this: I’ve been unsure of the right timing or way to share these thoughts, because there are so many important conversations in this world right now that need our attention. I don’t want to pull away from any of that ~ at the same time, maybe the overall story of history and change is affected by our individual experiences. So, here I am… with an avocado pit in a glass.I’d almost given up on this avocado pit.
I’ve been watching it for nearly 10 weeks… I’ve seen the cracking of the sides, the emerging of the root… but no sprout, long after Google told me to expect it.
The crevices in the sides just kept getting deeper and growing… I wondered if it was just breaking into pieces after all these weeks of being in the water. I wondered if I should just throw it out.
But the root kept getting longer… so I left it in place, hoping the root meant Something was happening within that pit.
And when I glanced over today ~ there it was. At last, a sprout… the hope of a plant that will bear fruit.
The outer shell is completely broken in half at this point ~ it’s held together only by what is happening on the inside.
I thought the breaking meant death, but it meant life. It meant room to grow.
You may finish the story here: